Molds in a wide selection in our ZsomikoStone online store

In our Zsomikostone online store, you can choose the plastic molds sold by our store, which can be used as templates for making plinths, paving slabs, and wall covering elements. In our templates, they are recommended for home, small-scale casting from plaster or concrete.

Save money by making fantastic wall coverings yourself.

Make your own wall covering!

Learn how to make your own stones

Don't know how to make your own bricks? We explain how to use our molds optimally.

Check the instructions

Our online store

6000- Kecskemét, Ág utca 21.

From Monday to Friday, 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday, 08:00 - 18:00
Sunday, 08:00 - 18 :00
